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Tag Archives: water

This is about water and how much of it we use.

You may be surprised. Beyond our immediate consumption, water is used in vast quantities.

This is not an “environmentalist” support piece, the crowd who seems intent on moving bad humans back to medieval times.  It is to make you aware of our situation, that some things about water consumption may change, and to help you appreciate that sea water desalination is in our future.

We take fresh water access for granted in most areas of the country.  There are exceptions of course. Florida and areas of California, for example, use and are expanding the use of desalinated sea water for their needs.

Then there is the water consumption of Las Vegas which is out in the middle of the desert. It uses all that water in its Caesar’s Palace fountains and pools (think the movie Ocean’s Eleven) as well as across the city at large, for all but no charge.

Then there are the 311 million of us as individuals and our daily needs, apart from our indulgences. An example of the latter: while we knowingly indulge ourselves with good bottled water, we assume we are doing little harm (wrong).

Granted, it does rain, but Read More »